Performance Tunning & Set-Up Physical Memory :
1. Change the look
and feel of J Developer IDE rather using default personalize Oracle theme. Change it to Windows.
Tools -> Preferences ->
Environment -> Look and Feel
2. Change following
things in Tools -> Preferences -> Environment
--------> Disable "Automatically Reload
Externally Modified Files"
This is not always necessary, but can make a big difference on really slow file
systems or if you keep a very large number of files open in the IDE and switch
between applications frequently.
--------> Disable "Check for Externally Modified
Files on Startup" and use ojindex
to prebuild source indexes.
The first time you run JDeveloper on a large project it will create a source
index in the background. You can run this process as part of your nightly build
process so all developers using a standard project setup can use the prebuilt
index. This saves some work on startup.
We have discovered, that we can disable ADF Faces Rich Client animation
functionality globally, just by adding one line in trinidad-config.xml file:
If you really don't need animation effect, this will help greatly when rendering LOV, popups, drawing data tables and etc. By disabling animation, artificial delay of components rendering is removed and this allows to achieve better UI performance.
If you really don't need animation effect, this will help greatly when rendering LOV, popups, drawing data tables and etc. By disabling animation, artificial delay of components rendering is removed and this allows to achieve better UI performance.
4. Disable unwanted or unused extensions in your
J Developer IDE by uncheck it in extensions preferences of tools.
Tools -> Preferences->Extensions
Restart Jdeveloper after disabling or unchecking extensions. You can disable extensions such related to UML, BugFinder etc.
5. Change the default editor for jsff page ,xml and other used file to Source rather than Design or Overview.
Increase max and min memory for Jdeveloper in ide.conf located at following
-> jdeveloper -> ide -> bin -> ide.conf
Memory should not be too high other Jdeveloper will use much of memory for caching .. So try to use it as physical memory
One more thing you can do is assign Jdeveloper process the highest priority in task manger.
Go to Jdev64.exe process then set pripority to high So Ram Capacity mainly focus to Jdeveloper.
Memory should not be too high other Jdeveloper will use much of memory for caching .. So try to use it as physical memory
Go to Jdev64.exe process then set pripority to high So Ram Capacity mainly focus to Jdeveloper.
7. A reader has
informed me that this line:
#AddVMOption -XX:+AggressiveOpts
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